National Programmes

National Programmes 

Several FEHRL institutes have their own national research programmes that have either been developed in response to the Forever Open Road, or which are directly relevant to some research topics of the Forever Open Road.




 Route 5ième Génération (5th Generation Road) - R5G

The aim of IFSTTAR’s R5G project is to propose innovative road solutions that have the potential for large-scale deployment in the fields of vehicle-infrastructure energy, new pavement technology and climate resilient infrastructure supported by full-scale demonstrators.

The road has to reinvent itself periodically in response to innovations, societal issues and rising user expectations. The 5th Generation Road (R5G) focuses firmly on the future and sets out to be automated, safe, sustainable and suited to travel needs.

Several research teams are involved in work related to this flagship project for IFSTTAR, which is a stakeholder in the Forever Open Road

Most of the innovations featured in R5G are now mature, for example communication and energy exchange between the infrastructure, the vehicle and the network manager; recyclable materials with the potential for self-diagnosis and repair, a pavement surface that remains permanently optimal irrespective of climatic variations…

Nevertheless, implementing them on an industrial scale at a reasonable cost still represents a real challenge

Consultation with the stakeholders (researchers, industry, road network owners and users) has already established the priorities for the creation of full-scale demonstrators.

The next stages are to achieve synergy between the technologies tested by the demonstrators, to manage the interfaces and get society to adopt R5G.

Large-scale industrial application is planned for 2016-2018.

Please, click here to see additional informations and a video.

L'objectif du projet R5G de l'Ifsttar est de proposer des solutions routières innovantes susceptibles d'être déployées à grande échelle dans les domaines de l'énergie véhicule-infrastructure, des nouvelles technologies de chaussées et des infrastructures résilientes au climat soutenues par des démonstrateurs grandeur nature.

La route doit se réinventer périodiquement en réponse aux innovations, aux enjeux sociétaux et aux attentes grandissantes des utilisateurs. La route de la 5e génération (R5G) se concentre résolument sur l'avenir et se veut automatisée, sécuritaire, durable et adaptée aux besoins de déplacement.

Plusieurs équipes de recherche sont impliquées dans les travaux liés à ce projet phare pour l'IFSTTAR, partie prenante de Forever Open Road

La plupart des innovations présentées dans R5G sont maintenant mûres, par exemple la communication et l'échange d'énergie entre l'infrastructure, le véhicule et le gestionnaire de réseau; des matériaux recyclables avec un potentiel d'autodiagnostic et de réparation, une surface de chaussée qui reste optimale en permanence quelles que soient les variations climatiques ...

Néanmoins, les mettre en œuvre à une échelle industrielle à un coût raisonnable représente toujours un véritable défi

La concertation avec les parties prenantes (chercheurs, industriels, propriétaires de réseaux routiers et utilisateurs) a déjà établi les priorités pour la création de démonstrateurs grandeur nature.

Les prochaines étapes sont de réaliser une synergie entre les technologies testées par les démonstrateurs, de gérer les interfaces et d'amener la société à adopter R5G.

Une application industrielle à grande échelle est prévue pour 2016-2018.

S'il vous plaît, cliquez ici pour voir des informations supplémentaires et une vidéo.




Straße im 21 Jahrhundert (Roads in the 21st Century - R21C)

BASt’s R21C programme has the objective is to pave the way for promising and innovative solutions for the road mode into everyday application in road construction. The objective for the R21C programme is to achieve more quality, improve value for money and provide a crucial boost to innovation in road construction in Germany.

Growing levels of traffic and the need to ensure that Germany, as a leading exporting nation, remains a competitive site for economic activity mean that our transport infrastructure has to meet enormous challenges in terms of efficiency. In addition, there are central tasks such as road safety, environmental protection, climate change mitigation and effective energy conservation. And there is also the key question as to how we can ensure that the necessary investment is made in our transport infrastructure with the funds at our disposal. There are thus a lot of issues involved in the construction of our future roads. Given these challenges for the “roads of the future”, we need innovations. The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development and the Federal Highway Research Institute have thus developed a research programme entitled “Roads in the 21st Century – Innovative Road Construction in Germany”. At the same time, the programme is embedded in the Federal Government’s high-tech strategy. The objective is to pave the way for promising and innovative solutions for the road mode into everyday application in road construction: In the future, our roads are to become more intelligent by means of modern traffic guidance systems and an innovative road works and incident management system. Vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication will help to further reduce the number of accidents and smooth the flow of traffic. Another example is the development and testing of modular rapid repair systems for concrete roads, also known as concrete plugs. Our objective in launching the “Roads in the 21st Century” programme is to achieve more quality, improve value for money and provide a crucial boost to innovation in road construction in Germany.


Ziel des BASt-Programms R21C ist es, zukunftsträchtigen und innovativen Lösungen für den Straßenbetrieb den Weg zum alltäglichen Einsatz im Straßenbau zu ebnen. Ziel des R21C-Programms ist es, mehr Qualität zu erreichen, das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis zu verbessern und Innovationen im Straßenbau in Deutschland entscheidend voranzubringen.

Das steigende Verkehrsaufkommen und die Notwendigkeit, Deutschland als führende Exportnation wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, bedeutet für unsere Verkehrsinfrastruktur enorme Effizienzanforderungen. Darüber hinaus gibt es zentrale Aufgaben wie Verkehrssicherheit, Umweltschutz, Klimaschutz und effektive Energieeinsparung. Und es stellt sich auch die zentrale Frage, wie wir sicherstellen können, dass die notwendigen Investitionen in unsere Verkehrsinfrastruktur mit den uns zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln getätigt werden. Es gibt also viele Probleme beim Bau unserer zukünftigen Straßen. Angesichts dieser Herausforderungen für die "Straßen der Zukunft" brauchen wir Innovationen. Das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung und die Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen haben deshalb ein Forschungsprogramm mit dem Titel "Straßen im 21. Jahrhundert - Innovativer Straßenbau in Deutschland" entwickelt. Gleichzeitig ist das Programm eingebettet in die Hightech-Strategie der Bundesregierung. Ziel ist es, zukunftsträchtige und innovative Lösungen für den Straßenbetrieb in den Alltag im Straßenbau zu bringen: In Zukunft sollen unsere Straßen durch moderne Verkehrsleitsysteme und ein innovatives Straßenbau- und Störfallmanagement intelligenter werden . Die Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug- und Fahrzeug-zu-Infrastruktur-Kommunikation wird dazu beitragen, die Zahl der Unfälle weiter zu reduzieren und den Verkehrsfluss zu verbessern. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist die Entwicklung und Erprobung von modularen Schnellreparatursystemen für Betonstraßen, auch Betonstopfen genannt. Mit dem Programm "Straßen im 21. Jahrhundert" wollen wir mehr Qualität erreichen, das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis verbessern und Innovationen im Straßenbau in Deutschland entscheidend voranbringen.




Ferjefri E39 (Ferry Free E39 / Coastal Road E39)

The aim of the Ferjefri E39 programme is to replace the seven ferry crossings along the 1,000 km E39 road which runs along the west coast of Norway with bridges and tunnels, reducing travel time by half. The width and depth of the fjords to be crossed are such that a new generation of bridge and tunnel technology will need to be developed.

The Norwegian Public Road Administration (Statens Vegvesen) has a long-term goal to develop the E39 as an improved and continuous Coastal Highway. 

The E39 route runs along the west coast of Norway from Kristiansand in the south to Trondheim in the north, and is approximately 1100 km long. The route runs through six counties, and the cities of Stavanger, Bergen, Ålesund and Molde. Travel time today is around 21 hours, and road users need to use seven different ferry connections. The aim is to create an improved E39 without ferries, which will reduce travel time by half, whilst also reducing the length of the road by almost 50 kilometres. The reduction in travel time will be achieved by replacing ferries with bridges and tunnels, in addition to upgrading a number of road sections on land. Preliminary estimates show that the required investments and improvements will cost approximately NOK 340 billion.

The project is to help us find technological solutions that will make the fiord crossings possible. Safety aspects are also studied, in the planning phase as well as during construction and use. The project will study environmental aspects of construction, operation and maintenance, and how the constructions involved may be used to produce their own energy and possibly also contribute to charging electric vehicles along the road. Moreover, the project will contribute to the use of contract types that make implementation effective and exploit available competences.

The project is organised into seven sub-projects:

  • Implementation, Planning and Construction
  • Social Impacts
  • Fiord Crossings
  • Risk Management and Technology Qualification
  • Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Implementation Strategies and Contract Types



Målet med Ferjefri E39-programmet er å bytte ut de syv fergeovergangene langs 1.000 km E39-veien som går langs vestkysten av Norge med broer og tunneler, noe som reduserer reisetiden med halvparten. Bredden og dybden av fjordene som skal krysses er slik at en ny generasjon bro- og tunnelteknologi må utvikles.

Statens Vegvesen har et langsiktig mål å utvikle E39 som en forbedret og kontinuerlig kystvei.

E39-ruten løper langs vestkysten av Norge fra Kristiansand i sør til Trondheim i nord, og er ca 1100 km lang. Ruten går gjennom seks fylker, og byene Stavanger, Bergen, Ålesund og Molde. Reisetiden i dag er rundt 21 timer, og trafikanter må bruke syv forskjellige fergeforbindelser. Målet er å skape en forbedret E39 uten ferger, noe som vil redusere reisetiden med halvparten, samtidig som veien reduseres med nesten 50 kilometer. Reduksjonen i reisetid vil oppnås ved å bytte ferger med broer og tunneler, i tillegg til å oppgradere en rekke veieseksjoner på land. Foreløpige estimater viser at de nødvendige investeringene og forbedringene vil koste om lag 340 milliarder kroner.

Prosjektet er å hjelpe oss med å finne teknologiske løsninger som vil gjøre fjordovergangene mulig. Sikkerhetsaspekter studeres også, både i planleggingsfasen og under bygging og bruk. Prosjektet skal studere miljømessige aspekter ved konstruksjon, drift og vedlikehold, og hvordan konstruksjonene involvert kan brukes til å produsere egen energi og muligens også bidra til å lade elbiler langs veien. Videre vil prosjektet bidra til bruk av kontraktstyper som gjør implementeringen effektiv og utnytte tilgjengelige kompetanser.

Prosjektet er organisert i syv delprosjekter:

  • Gjennomføring, planlegging og bygging
  • Sosiale konsekvenser
  • Fiordoverganger
  • Risikostyring og teknologi Kvalifisering
  • Bærekraftig infrastruktur
  • Implementeringsstrategier og kontraktstyper




Exploratory Advanced Research (EAR)

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) e established the EAR to address the need to conduct research on longer term and higher risk breakthrough research with the potential for transformational improvements to plan, build, renew, and operate safe, congestion free, and environmentally sound transportation systems.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) engages stakeholders in the EAR Program--from evaluating potential research topics through communicating research results

FHWA identifies and scopes topics through extensive initial-stage investigation. The EAR Program has supported scanning trips and meetings involving national and international experts to assure use of the most recent advances in science and engineering

FHWA uses expert panels to ensure the technical quality of sponsored research. The panels are composed of Federal, State, academic, and international scientific and engineering experts, who are vetted to avoid conflicts of interest. The panels frequently include members from multiple disciplines to assure that cross applications and novel approaches to research are fully assessed

FHWA understands that EAR Program-funded projects are part of a larger research and development cycle designed to move from basic research through applied research, field testing, pilot deployment, and adoption. FHWA is committed to transitioning the results of EAR Program-funded research projects and takes an active role in demonstrating results to audiences critical to continuing the research and development cycle.

Click here to see additional information.